About The Krack Factory Lemonades
Take a sip into creative lemonades. A wave of refreshing flavors awaits. Sweetened with organic blue agave, our drinks provides a quality juice experience without the cane sugar. Giving you that sweet hit you desire, harmonized with lemons for that blend of zest, packed with flavors that'll have you craving for more.
Elevate you refreshments, choose excellence.

Krack Factory Story
The Krack Factory started it's roots at Wings On Wheat, where the addictive Peach Krack drink was born in 2015. Summer of 2021 The Krack Factory was born, adding new limited edition flavors to the line up with Peach Krack leading the way.
Emerging from challenging history, Krack Factory symbolizes a transformation, turning a struggle into source of strength and resilience.
Our Founder was negatively impacted by the effects of Crack, he decided to flip his negative into a positive. Creating addictive products that looks good, taste good and make you feel better.

Striving for greatness!
In the face of systemic challenges, The Krack Factory redefines KRACK as an acronym embodying kreativity , resilience, accountability , commitment, and knowledge. We specialize in manufacturing our own beverages that aims to empower communities.

To be KRACK is to be brave, to acknowledge the burning passion within and serve it daily to the world.We encourage everyone to embrace their KRACK, transforming adversity into an opportunity fro growth and positive impact.